Exciting news and updates on the Library expansion and remodeling!

*$1 Million funded by the City of Northfield
*$300,000 funded by Library Gift Fund
*Additional funds are being sought!  CLICK HERE TO GIVE!

For timeline an supporting documents, visit our Library Improvement page at http://guides.mynpl.org/content.php?pid=614083

The library will be closed for construction from April to September.
We are currently discussing alternative sites for library operations

For our interim services, we will have public use computers, magazines, newspapers and new items available for check out.
We will rely on the other SELCO libraries for inter-library loan support to fill requests.
The library at 210 Washington Street will be closed for the duration of the construction project.
Other sites for library services:
Booker, the Book Bus will visit parks, schools and other City sites. There will be library materials and computer access on the bookmobile. Stay tuned for details as we move closer to our construction date.